What I learnt from being in a punk band

4 min readDec 9, 2020


  1. The band beginnings
    In a shed, flyering, local shows, EP recording.
  2. A space where intelligence was not the highest ideal. Gasp I thought, my percieved sense of self throughly linked to an identity with the foundation of intellectualism does not automatically confer social status? What is this harresy?
    A good quote by Bertrand Russell on how some individuals suffer “paralysis by analysis”. I believe intelligence is a gift for those who are naturally talented but ultimately a tool. Intelligence without wisdom and morality can actually be dangerous. Some of the greatest atrocities of the 20th century was done by intelligent individuals. Someone with high verbal intelligence may be able to use that intelligence to lie to others — and himself! I think it is interesting how in the Bible, Lucifer is a fallen angel. Much like how judas was closest to jesus, both antagonists (satan and judas), experience a fall from grace — a fall from the very top to the very bottom. I think symbolically, this may point to how intelligence and reason are the prized mental faculties of the human being. After all, we are the most intelligent of all animals and so intelligence is given a place at the “top” of that which defines us as human. It is a prized trait of our specieis. Yet, without morals, the tool of intelligence can, much like judas or satan, “fall from grace” — to produce weapons of mass destruction, to torture, to lead nations astray. Richard Dawkins is a staunch materialist, evolutionary biology and poster child for all atheist — yet, has he grappled with the ideas of Nietzsche? There are consequences to simply removing the god that an entire culture has worshipped for thousands of years….
  3. BBC
    Got on Mike Davies punk rock show — by waving my arms at Reading…
    then we got on boom town. Once we got picked, the band snow balled. Our brand became trusted and it was easier to grow.
  4. Organising our own festivals
    Room Town.
  5. The power of music to bring community together
    That time we played in whitehall, our first london gig and no one showed up. Yet we found a park and made music, french kids joined, brazillian joined. Made a proper party. Then
  6. Feminist Ideology.
    story of jenn -> parasitic wokeness. Kill all whitemen — Ivo became a cross dresser due to attack on his white male identity. He use to jump around parties swinging his penis around.

I was attacked and accused of being sexist — I was a 17 year old kid just trying to be cool. But apparently I conjured images of being a capitalistic oppressor.
Then they came after my favourite bands like the Cat Empire. A Jazz ensemble with ska and horns. My inspiration. — Also calling them sexist.

Idols like Charlie Chaplin, who through his film displayed lessons of kind heartedness, the social good, bravery, chivalry was accused of slap stick comedy where women are physically insulted.

All the roles models I looked up to that i was modelling my own character on, was suddenly labelled as sexist and unwanted. This was hugely demotivating as a man trying to carve out an identity in society.

Entered an established space.
I can empathise, become the feminist have a point
guys like joe men spread, talk over the girls and walk



6. The people that have to virtue signal that they are compassionate tend not to be compassionate at all. They wave the flag of equality, but what they brought was tyrannical… I had a small taste of the misery of communism… within a vegan household. I can only imagine the horror if individuals like this were to come to power.

5 . Cultural appropriation.

Another is video for “Immigrants and Dissidents”. The video itself is a bunch of white kids having fun. Then at the end, the one asian kid gives a medal to the white kid with blonde dreadlocks.
That time at the anarchist book shop we got called out for cultural appropration for playing irish inspired music. — But declan was Irish.
Furthermore, growing up I had no Burmese music at all. I couldn’t identify with club music, or banghra… and the pogues was the closest thing I had to a band that spoke about second generation immigrants. Also Irish music was fun.

2. Marxist ideology and MC Amalgam
John lennons song is good because it presents and ideal rather than an ideology. Change the hearts of man. Clear distinct difference in character of writing — Aymerics is direct propaghandistic — or an internal monologue to appeal to victimhood. He himself declared he did not like fiction nor saw value in fiction.

3. The curious case of Joe
Trying to rephrase words to control narrative.
Had much respect initially, organised tours, independent
lost respect by micromanaging johnny.
Never paid me back for accordion until after a year
Still has not paid me back for album expenses.

Adams similarities to joe and why it triggered.
- walk away in train without waiting
- takes ages to repay and sort out finances
- knife as sex symbol
- dominates conversation in group setting
- shouting at raghav, then befriending raghav.

4. Product launch
We all hated each other by the end — but managed to pull through to get our product launch — our album, which we are proud of and 2 final shows / album launches in Reading/Bristol

5. Vast amounts of psychadelics
LSD and “Lunar Light” + Joyce theme. Continued theatrical flavour of the album.

6. Song review
Anachronists cookbook ending song was Declans ode to childhood, monsters, myths and chilling with friends. The end of an odyssey.



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